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Five tips to get the best out of your training

You’ve been training consistently, dragging yourself to the studio even for those  morning classes, you are *definitely* eating enough protein… basically doing everything right! And yet, you’re not seeing the progress you were hoping for.

We’ve all been there, and plateaus like these are more or less a natural part of the fitness journey. Sometimes, however, it is worth looking into a few factors that might be disrupting your progress without you even realising it! So we thought we’d spill the beans on how to get the best out of your hard work on your fitness journey.

Sleep like a baby

If you're not catching enough Zs at night, your progress might just take a nosedive. Sleep is the ultimate secret weapon for recovery and muscle growth. It's like hitting the reset button on your body, allowing it to repair and rebuild. So, make sure to prioritise those precious 7 to 8 hours of beauty sleep. Easier said than done, we know, but sleep is one of those things you should try your best not to compromise on!

Muscles are built on rest days

Now, sleep on its own won’t do the trick - you must take days off! We're all about smashing goals and pushing our limits, but it's crucial to listen to your body and give it the rest it deserves. Rest days are not a sign of weakness; they are a sign of wisdom. Overtraining can lead to burnout, injuries, and plateaus. So, take a day off, pamper yourself, and come back StrongHer than ever. Remember, rest is an essential part of progress.

You don’t have to do this alone

Training solo can be great, but having a support system can take your fitness journey to a whole new level. What do we mean by team training? Grabbing one, two or three other teammates and working through a workout - together! It’s a team effort every step of the way. In a nutshell, team training can help you build empathy and teamwork, try new workouts, and experience the thrill of healthy competition. If you want all the details - check out our blog post on the benefits of team training!

Fuel your body with the right nutrition

What you put into your body matters just as much as what you do in the gym. Your muscles need fuel to thrive and your energy levels need to be on point. We know you’ve been hitting your protein intake (and if you haven’t - treat yourself to a StrongHer shake next time, or get our Shake pass if you want to save some ££) but it’s also important to focus on whole grains, foods rich in fibre, and ,of course, plenty of fruits and veggies. Oh, and let's not forget about those delicious healthy fats! We know all of this can quickly get a bit confusing and overwhelming, so if you need some help, chat to our in-house nutritionists! And speaking of nutrition, up next we have… 

Supplements, what’s that? 

Did you know that low iron is more common in women, and can seriously impact your training? Low iron levels can leave you feeling fatigued, weak, and unable to perform at your best. That’s where Active Iron comes in. This is THE iron supplement for women and we can’t recommend it enough - unlike other iron supplements, Active Iron is clinically proven to reduce tiredness and fatigue, help support normal cognitive function, and help give your immune system a boost. If you’re doing 1-4 and still feel like something is missing then supplementing with Active Iron might be the right answer for you.

We do recommend you consult a doctor before starting to take anything new though!