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How our community prioritise their mental health

The 10th of October was World Mental Health Day. According to World Health Organisation, the theme for the day is 'Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority.' 

We know it's easy to share the things that you 'should' do and tips from mental health professionals - but we asked our community how they prioritised their mental health to inspire you to try something different and new to help yours. We have also shared some resources that could help if you need to talk to a professional. 

Things our community do to priortise their own mental health:

  1. My favourite thing I do to support myself is to spend time with my dog. The most necessary thing I do is take antidepressants.

  2. I think that a community life StrongHer has helped my mental health. Being part of something and having people care about me has made a difference, especially being alone in London. Also, walking, running, and being out!

  3. I like to make myself a nice iced coffee every morning, and I go to therapy once a week.

  4. I need to engage with my local community and remember I am part of a bigger picture.

  5. I take at least 20 minutes a day to journal, and I create a schedule for my week using all the colours I can find.

  6. I like to plan my days to visualise what I'm doing each day. It's therapeutic for me when I know what I'll be doing, when, and how.

  7. I need to DJ and enjoy being creative, listening to music, and being alone with my decks! I also go to therapy.

  8. I try to go cold water swimming and meditate once a week.

  9. I have a glass of red wine and sit in the bath! I also take some time to play my Ukelele.

  10. I prioritise sleep, rest, and downtime. I also try to talk about what's going on for me. It might be challenging, but it helps. Be brave and tell people you're struggling.

  11. I try to go to the gym at least 2/3 times a week. I also enjoy cooking while listening to a podcast or watching a movie.

Resources that could help:

If you're not okay, we recommend speaking to someone. It might be tough to do, but here are a few resources to help:

💛 MIND support services. They have loads of free resources on their website, including 'Ways to help you cope in a crisis, ' sharing many practical tips you could implement. 

💛 SELF-SPACE is a drop-in therapy option based in London. They're trying to make therapy more accessible, and it's the first of its kind. Check it out here.

💛 Sometimes, the most overwhelming thing can be finding the right person to talk to. Check out this counselling directory, an A-Z yellow pages style website, to find someone who is a good fit for you.  

💛 Mental Health Mates is a wonderful concept created by Bryony Gordon - and its peer support and group community encourage you to get out in nature and walk and talk for your mental health. Find your closest group to you here

Please note that none of the suggestions above are approved by a professional, and we are in no way saying that they will improve your mental health; just providing examples of what other people in the community do to help theirs. If you are struggling and unable to cope, we encourage you to seek out professional medical support.