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Step into the Growth Zone

As humans, it’s normal for us to search for what feels comfortable. We stick to familiarity and certainty, adapting our behaviours to ensure that we don’t cross the boundaries of our comfort zone. According to Cambridge Dictionary, the Comfort Zone is a situation in which you feel comfortable and your ability and determination are not being tested. Once we’ve formed this safe, cosy comfort zone, it can be tough to break the metaphorical barriers and step outside. Things outside of our comfort zone can feel unfamiliar, uncomfortable, unsafe, new, and daunting. That can often feel overwhelming, so we tend to retreat back to the safety of our comfort zone

So how do you step out of your comfort zone?

According to Yerkes-Dodson Law (1907), as humans we operate with a ‘Goldilocks zone’. This means that if we’re not stimulated enough, we get bored, which inhibits our growth. But if we’re over-stimulated, we enter ‘panic-mode’ which also inhibits growth. This means that although we need to step out of our comfort zone, we also need to make sure that we’re not diving head first into panic-mode.

How do I get to the growth zone?

Stepping out of the comfort zone at first will land you in the fear zone. Sounds scary, but it’s all part of the journey! And the good news is, it’s temporary. You may find that in this zone you’re concerned about others’ opinions, lack confidence and find excuses to retreat back. BUT if you keep pushing through this zone, you’ll start to learn from these feelings and experiences. This is when you enter the ✨learning zone✨. This is where your comfort zone begins to expand! You also acquire new skills here which will increase your confidence. Et voila, before you know it you’ll be living your best life in the growth zone. Here you’ll be able to realise your goals and aspirations, set new goals and find your why. It’s all a process, but it’s totally worth it.

And now that you know how the process works, what better way to give it a go than with StrongHer Games?! We’re five weeks out from our epic summer fitness throw-down. Strong and powerful females from all different fitness levels will come together in teams to compete in a supportive and uplifting environment. The entire competition is totally beginner friendly, so it’s perfect if you’re looking to step out of your comfort zone and doing something for you! 

Sign up here and we can’t wait to see you shine!