Five wellbeing tips that go beyond fitness

The word ‘wellbeing’ is thrown around a lot in the fitness space, so we thought we’d talk a little bit more about it. ‘Wellbeing’ is defined as “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy”. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? HAHA! We know that it isn’t easy getting to that stage - and maintaining it - even more!  Now of *course* we’re gonna encourage you to get down to the studio to help with your body, mind and soul - we know there’s a lot more that goes into it! Wellbeing Week is just around the corner, so we want to share our top five tips on how to take care of your overall well being, holistically. Let’s go!

1. Relax and recover with a sports massage

Regular massage sessions can work like a charm for your overall wellbeing. After a session of lifting heavy, intense workouts (Lana’s Strong, anyone??), or lots of cardio your muscles may experience tension and soreness. A massage not only helps soothe sore muscles but also improves circulation and enhances post-workout recovery. Treat yourself to a deep tissue sports massage that targets specific areas of tension or a soothing Swedish massage to relieve stress and promote relaxation.

2. Talk to a therapist

It’s 2023 and this should go without saying but we’ll say it anyway - girl, go talk to a therapist! We all know nurturing your mental health is crucial. Engaging in therapy can provide you with a safe space to explore your emotions, set goals, and develop strategies for managing stress. Whether it's individual therapy, group sessions, or alternative therapies like art or music therapy, taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as physical exercise. 

Try Self Space for drop in sessions and they also host free online Mindful Monday check-ins which are great!

BetterHelp also have affordable therapy options.

3. Nourish your skin for a healthy glow

A healthy skincare routine goes hand in hand with your fitness journey. Cleanse, tone, and moisturise your skin daily, ensuring you use products suitable for your skin type. Don't forget the sunscreen when heading outdoors! Pamper yourself with regular facials or indulge in a relaxing face mask to rejuvenate your skin after intense workouts. We’ve recently partnered up with Weleda Arnica and we can’t recommend their muscles and bruises range enough! 

4. Mindfulness, anyone?

Okay, okay, we know this is a sticky one but hear us out: mindfulness sounds very abstract and intangible, but it’s just about being fully present and aware of the moment you are in, without judgement (easier said than done, we know!). What does being fully present mean? It’s about focusing your attention on the sensations of your body, your breath, and the surrounding environment. Lindsey’s favourite way of achieving this is by going on a good ol’ walk - which is why she’s bringing her wellbeing walk to StrongHer on Wednesday, 28 June!
This sounds all good and well, but how does it actually help with your wellbeing? Well, mindfulness allows you to observe your thoughts and emotions without getting carried away by them, enabling you to respond to challenging situations with greater calmness and clarity. All in all, this means less stress and anxiety, improved mental clarity, and better emotional resilience.

5. Fuel your body with proper nutrition

The fitness industry has a way of overcomplicating nutrition, and the diet cultures of the 2000s and 2010s don’t make it any easier either. When in doubt, we like to go back to basics - aiming for a well-balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Hydrate yourself adequately by drinking plenty of water and reduce your intake of processed foods and sugary drinks without over restricting yourself. If needed, consult a nutritionist for personalised guidance (or just pop in the studio on Tuesday 27 June - we’ll be giving out free nutrition tips from our favourite in-house nutritionists! )


Ruth Hunt: I wish girls could be helped to love their body for what it could do, not for what it can't.


The LGBTQ+ Fitness and Wellbeing Journey at 50+ and Beyond!