3 tips to find the elusive December balance
Christmas is just around the corner and… wait a minute, it’s December that’s just around the corner. Not Christmas! This is an important distinction because Christmas itself is only a couple of days, yet quite often we’ll write off the entire month when it comes to our health and fitness goals. But it doesn’t need to be this way.
Today we share 3 tips to avoid getting caught up in the ‘all or nothing’ mindset” and find that elusive December ✨balance✨.

Why having a programme will make or break your fitness journey
According to a 2019 survey by Her Campus, 67% of women reported quitting the gym within the first 3-6 months because they weren’t sure what exercises to do or how to use the equipment. When you think about it … that’s a bit much. Today we look at why having a programme will make or break your fitness journey!

The journey to your first push-up
Have you ever been in a fitness class and the coach instructed all the women to do ‘ladies push-ups’ for the next exercise? And the term didn’t sit quite right with you? But you also felt like you couldn’t say anything because … well, you couldn’t do a full push-up? In today’s blog we’ll show you how to fix this - we’ll cover 3 exercises that will build you up to that full push-up in no time!

How to get your first pull-up
The pull-up is an advanced exercise that requires some serious strength not only in your back muscles, but also your core and biceps. Specifically, you’ll need all these to be strong af - lats, traps, rhomboids, biceps, delts and core. On top, you also need to perfect the movement pattern of the pullup and get all these muscles to work together so you can get that chin over the bar. So, while it’s not an easy feat, it is definitely achievable as long as you have enough patience - and put the hours in! 😉

Are you making these mistakes when you bench press?
Stereotypically, bench press isn’t the first thing that a woman would choose to do. Hip thrusts, squats, deadlifts yes, but bench press - not so much. You know we want to challenge stereotypes at StrongHer - which is why we love to encourage women to bench press. In fact members that come through our doors will do just that!
But gals, you are missing out if this isn’t in your gym workout - it’s such a good exercise and makes you feel strong A.F. As always, starting something new or taking another look at your form and technique can be a bit daunting, so we’ve broken it down into four key things that you need to look out for.

3 things you need to consider if you want to build muscle
Are you wishing to become a muscle mommy? If you’ve been living under a rock, a muscle mommy is a muscular badass woman who lifts heavy sh*t - and is proud to show it off! Jokes aside(or not 🌚), we have definitely noticed a shift in the space - just a few short years ago women lifting weights was basically a taboo. Strength training for women is becoming more and more mainstream - and we LOVE to see it!!
There are a lot of great reasons to strive to build muscle - so regardless of WHY you want to do it, the process is always the same! Today we want you to ask yourself these three questions to ensure you are ticking all the muscle building boxes:

Deadlifts: 3 DO's and DON’Ts you should know about
Deadlifts have a bit of a bad rap in fitness - we see a lot of people get injured because they’re rounding their back, not engaging the right muscles, trying to pull too much weight too quickly… …or there’s always someone who will tell you there is a better lift to grow your glutes, or get more powerful, or measure strength. The truth is, deadlifts are not …erm… the easiest lift out there. BUT they are an incredible one - you just need to know what to look out for and be mindful of when deadlifting! Today we look at 3 DOs and 3 DON’Ts of deadlifting - so you don’t end up being the one who’s injured their back doing them!

Are you making these 3 squat mistakes?
If you’ve only recently started strength training it’s normal to feel a little bit overwhelmed - there are a lot of lifts, a lot of rules, a lot of variations, and on top of that, you need to take into consideration your body’s uniqueness. But there's a method to the madness, and over the years we’ve helped hundreds of women get to grips with strength training - and become bloody good at it, too. And we’ve noticed that newbies usually make a few common mistakes when it comes to one of the most fundamental lifts - the squat. We thought we’d sum them up for you here - so you can avoid them like the plague and squat like a champ!

Deload week could be your secret weapon to get stronger
You’ve been training for a while, following an established routine, have been on top of your nutrition and sleep … but for some reason you seemingly stopped getting stronger?! We know how frustrating it is to hit the dreaded training plateau. It sounds counterintuitive, but something that might fix it is a good dealod week.

Hyrox at StrongHer
Soooo we did a thing! We’re now officially a Hyrox-affiliated gym, and we couldn’t be more excited about it! This means that we’re now qualified and one of the chosen ones to be able to deliver Hyrox classes properly and safely to everyone who wants to get involved!

5 nutrition myths you need to know about
The world of nutrition is plagued with myths, misconceptions and sometimes just straight-up lies. And it’s no wonder! It’s an industry that is not very well regulated, with the global human nutrition market estimated to be $383 billion in 2022. So yep, lots of money to be made with not a lot of accountability. So how do you go about figuring it all out? Regardless of your goal - be it fat loss, fueling for performance-based goals, or just making sure your diet is balanced and healthy, we’re here to help! Today we’re debunking five of the most common nutrition myths so you can switch off all nutrition noise next time you’re on socials.

How strength training can help you in every walk in life
We’ve always been very loud about the strength training that goes on at StrongHer - we’re not afraid to make some noise, take up space space, lift heavy (really heavy) sh*t and tell everyone about it!
And while we genuinely enjoy making a big fuss about it, there’s a bigger, more serious reason why we want to get the memo to every single woman: strength training can help you in every part of your life - and we want to tell you why 👇👇

Read this if you’re a woman that wants to start strength training.
Last week co-founder Tig was on the What the health! Podcast hosted by Gabby Allen and they had a chat about all things StrongHer -how the whole thing started, how and why we’ve made improvements to new member onboarding and last but not least - why we don’t have a stairmaster!

How could alcohol impact my fitness progress
Summer days are officially here, bringing with them festivals, rooftop gatherings, and picnics, and we are all for it! However, alcohol often accompanies these activities, and many of you are concerned about its impact on your training and fitness goals. Today, we’re diving into the question: "Will drinking alcohol ruin my fitness progress?" Read on to discover how alcohol consumption affects your workouts, muscle recovery, and overall fitness journey.

3 reasons why we love full body workouts
Push & pull, cardio & abs, running & strength - the list of workout splits is endless! It could be tempting to give different fancy splits a go, and see if they fit in with your lifestyle. But we want to save you the trial & error and nudge you to give full body workouts a go. Why? As is the case with many things in fitness, simplicity is usually what we are aiming for, especially when you’re just getting started! Let’s look into our top three reasons why we love a full body workout 👇

How to prevent injuries in the gym - prehab, not rehab
Ah, injuries. An athlete’s worst nightmare. While most of us don’t run marathons and compete in olympic lifting, injuries are a very real possibility for the average gym-goer - especially as we age. And the bad news is that the older we get, the longer it actually takes us to fully recover from an injury! So is all hope lost? No, not at all! Today we dive into the world of prehab, injuries, rehab, and everything in-between. Read on to find out what you should be doing to keep your fitness journey injury-free!

What supplements do I need to take?
Supplements come in all shapes and sizes - from powders, through pills to gummies - and everyone seems to be taking them nowadays. In the sea of misinformation called fitness, it’s difficult to know what’s BS (e.g. detox teas - you have organs in your body built to do that) and what’s actually useful (e.g. protein powder). It doesn’t help that even the good stuff isn’t universally applicable to everyone - you have to consider your unique needs, goals and lifestyle to make the right call. So where the heck do you start from? StrongHer is here to help you figure it out - we’ll look at the main supplements - protein powder, creatine, greens, vitamins. Let’s go!

Why it’s important to stretch if you want to build… confidence!
We all know our quads and calves (and everything else!) need a good stretch before a workout in order to feel flexible, healthy and ready for anything. But did you know that’s not the only kind of stretching that can support you in feeling your best? In this post we’re talking behaviour stretches and expanding your comfort zone! Ahead of our Bad Drama Club community event, we invited StrongHerd member and founder of Gutsy, Susannah, to share some tips about safe ways to stretch your comfort zone and build your bravery muscles.

Do these 3 things to stay consistent with your training
We all know that consistency is key when it comes to building healthy habits and achieving difficult things. It’s really about showing up every day - especially on the days we really don’t feel like it! While this is easier said than done, discipline alone can only take us so far - especially when we are trying to juggle a job, family, social life, hobbies, and a million other things at the same time. So instead of working harder, there’s a few ways we can work smarter - here are our top 3 tips on small tweaks you can make to ensure you never miss a workout!

MAX OUT day: 3 reasons to get involved
MAX OUT days is one of our signature StrongHer events - we get together, lift some heavy sh*t and leave feeling inspired and on cloud 9 - it’s a *very badass* day.
We’ve been having MAX OUT days since we opened our studio back in 2020, and the StrongHERD absolutely loves them. But if you’re new to the community - or you’ve no clue what the hell you’re supposed to max out here - this is the guide for you. Today we look at what to expect from MAX OUT day, and 3 reasons to get involved!
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