3 reasons why we love full body workouts

Push & pull, cardio & abs, running & strength - the list of workout splits is endless! It could be tempting to give different fancy splits a go, and see if they fit in with your lifestyle. But we want to save you the trial & error and nudge you to give full body workouts a go. Why? As is the case with many things in fitness, simplicity is usually what we are aiming for, especially when you’re just getting started! Let’s look into our top three reasons why we love a full body workout 👇

Hang on - before that - let’s explain what a workout split is. Put simply, it’s the way you distribute your workouts over the course of the week. A few things to bear in mind here: how often you can realistically train, how long you want your sessions to be, recovery time in between sessions, different muscle groups and different training goals.

Okay, back to full body workouts! If you’re a busy bee, relatively new to strength training, and your goal is to build strength and confidence in the gym - these are for you!

No soldier left behind

A full body workout is exactly what it sounds like - FULL body,The beauty of these sessions is that you get to train most, if not all, major muscle groups in one go. Which also means that you’re setting yourself up for success in terms of building balanced strength and muscle development, which also in turns helps with reducing the risk of muscle imbalances and injuries. If you’re a newbie to strength training, full body workouts will strengthen your muscles before you throw yourself into the deep end with a muscle group-specific workout (which could be A LOT to handle for your body). Finally, in case you can’t make your next full body session which you scheduled before your week got crazy busy - you’ll be all good, you’ve already trained all your muscles!

Efficiency 🤌

On that note - full body workouts are crazy efficient. While we often think about gym sessions in terms of their length - say 45 min or an hour, we tend to forget the logistics around it take time too - getting ready, getting to the gym, getting back from the gym, showering, etc. If you are time-poor at the moment, going for 2 full body sessions as compared to going for 4 upper/lower body sessions will save you tons of time - even if the full body sessions are longer (i.e. 75-90min).

Hybrid training is the cool kid in town

You know we love strength training - it’s been our bread & butter since the very beginning of StrongHer! However, your cardio fitness is equally as important. There’s a reason hybrid training is gaining popularity - incorporating elements of strength training, cardio, mobility and flexibility into your routine guarantees to make you overall healthier, fitter, stronger - and let’s not forget - injury-free. A full body workout shouldn’t exhaust your leg muscles to the point where they feel like jelly and you can’t walk the next day. And a full body workout, unlike the highly specific splits (e.g. back and biceps) allows for more variety in your workouts - so if someone is hogging a machine - then you can easily adapt your session.

If you’re still not sure where to start, check out our LVL Up split from 1 July:

👉 Mon - HIP THRUST + HORIZONTAL PRESS (Think bench, pushups)
👉 Tues - SQUAT + VERTICAL PULL (think pull ups)
👉 Wed - HINGE + VERTICAL PRESS (think strict press, push press)
👉 Thurs - SPLIT SQUAT + HORIZONTAL PULL (think bent over row, inverted row)
👉 Fri - FULL BODY + Core
👉 Sat -  FULL BODY + Isolation work (bicep, triceps, shoulders)
👉 Sun  - FULL BODY + Isolation work (bicep, triceps, shoulders)

Members - get yourself booked in via the app
Non members - get on the waitlist for a membership here.

For now, we are leaving you with this quick full body workout to try out:


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