Three tips to help boost your immune system

Has anyone else noticed that EVERYONE is coming down with a cold/flu/bug/insert other ailments here at the moment?

Likely because our immune systems hadn't recovered from being overly protected when we were on COVID-19 lockdowns, and with all the kids back to school, we're all picking things up left, right, and centre. I don't even have kids, so not sure what my excuse is! 

That, combined with the clocks going back in a couple of weeks in the UK, means we feel more inclined to hibernate than hypertrophy. A healthy immune system protects your body from bacteria and viruses and is super important!

Here are three things to focus on that can help your immune system as we head into cold and flu season.


As you know, we LOVE moving our body in different ways, and it has so many benefits above and beyond the endorphins that kick in after your workout. For example, studies show that regular exercise can enhance immune defense by making you more resistant to infections and better equipped to deal with nasty critters if they're already making you feel sick!

Should I exercise if I'm feeling sick?

An easy rule of thumb to remember is if your symptoms are "above the neck," like sniffles or congestion, it's probably a cold, and OK to exercise. On the other hand, if your symptoms are "below the neck," such as hacking cough, chest congestion, and an upset stomach (especially if accompanied by a fever), that could indicate a more severe infection, like the flu, and you should take a few days off. So don't try to jump straight back into your complete training plans when you're feeling better - ease into it so you can build yourself back up StrongHer than ever!


We spend a lot of time encouraging our members to ensure they're getting enough protein in their diets, especially as they lift weights. But it's vital to ensure you're getting a balanced diet - with many fruit and veggies included too! Did you know that you're supposed to eat 8-10 fruit and veg a day, but the number was changed to be more palatable for a UK audience? 

We've shared a list below of foods that could help boost your immune system. You can read the full article here

Citrus fruits, Red bell peppers, Broccoli, Garlic, Ginger, Spinach, Yoghurt, Almonds, Sunflower seeds, Turmeric, Green tea, Papaya, Kiwi, Poultry, Shellfish


We encourage you to listen to what your body is trying to say - because, trust me, it's talking to you! It's not about feeling like you should power through and smash that workout - but instead, looking for alternatives. Get out for some fresh air and maybe do some gentle stretches if you feel under the weather.

Make sure that you're getting enough sleep too. A study from the University of California in San Francisco showed that people who slept fewer than six hours a night during the course of the week were more than 4.2 times more likely to catch a cold.

We found a fascinating article all about sleep and immunity. Check it out here.

Ready to move your body a bit more?

Get those endorphins pumping and help enhance your immune system - take advantage of our Intro pack offer and get 6 classes for £25!


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