Where to start with strength training

Do you know where to start with strength training?

The world of fitness is filled with myths and misinformation. Whether you’re new to fitness or not, between the fad diets, ab-blasting equipment, and the latest workouts we see popping up on TikTok, it can be a challenge to sift through it all to find real, credible guidance. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place and we can help you get started with strength training!

The good news is - we are seeing some changes in the industry. We’re slowly dismantling the narrative that ab workouts and sixty minute cardio sessions are the key to a healthy and happy body. Instead we’re excited to see the move towards more functional, practical and effective forms of training; such as…strength training! Come on, it’s StrongHer, of COURSE we were going to focus on that!

You may think that strength training is just a buzz word, or that it’s just a HIIT workout with some weights mixed in. But the reality is, it’s so much more than that. 

So, what is strength training anyway?

Okay - we’re going to get a little bit technical here, but it’s important that you understand it properly. Strength training, sometimes referred to as resistance training, is a method of training where you expose your muscles and nervous system to external resistance in order to increase strength. This process provides a stress to the muscles and nervous system, which then, with adequate recovery, increases your strength. (still with us?)

Over time you’ll look to increase the ‘stress’ in different ways. This could be by lifting heavier, doing more reps, adding more sets, playing around with the tempo you lift the weight (like down for three, a pause at the bottom and then up for one) or cutting out rest periods. This is known as progressive overload. These can be categorised into the following: squat, hinge, push, pull, carry, brace, gait.

Where should I start with strength training?

If you’re new to strength training, we really recommend you work with an experienced coach, who can support you with your programme and your technique. It might be 121 PT sessions, or small group training - depending on your budget, or if you prefer to workout with others or not.

With strength training, it’s important you start with what feels comfortable for you, and slowly build the intensity over time. Don’t go trying to hit PB’s and comparing what you’re lifting to others you see in the gym - everyone starts somewhere!

You should focus on controlling the movements to maintain your technique, controlling your breath and engaging your core. So leave that ego at the door and focus on getting it right - otherwise you’re just going to get injured and we don’t want that!

We’d recommend starting out with some key exercises (or lifts) such as squat, deadlift, lunge, overhead press, bent over row.

There’s no one way to introduce strength training to your routine, but we recommend that you make space for it during your regular workouts! We KNOW that once you get to grips with it, you’ll love it as much as we do!

Want some support with strength training?

Find out more about our Warrior Programme - and 121 PT sessions here.


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