When is best to train during Ramadan?

With Ramadan just a week away in the UK, beginning on March 22 or 23, depending on the moon sighting, and lasting for 30 days until April 21 or 22, when the festival of Eid al-Fitr begins, we wanted to talk about when is best to train during Ramadan.

We spoke to Faiza, Maryama and Habiba, some of our Muslim members, who shared some tips of how they’ll be approaching Ramadan when it comes to training this year.

So great to chat to you all - we’ll jump in with the first question if that’s okay. How does your training change throughout Ramadan?

Maryama: So I’m not changing my training that much - I want to keep training three days a week, but change the time I train so it’s closer to the time of breaking the fast. For me it’s important to maintain my strength on the big lifts, so that I don’t have to start again after a long month off. I’ll aso try and keep my body moving with mobility moves and stretched. I think this is really important when we’re focusing on being grateful for our blessings our body being the most important one. The simple fact of being able to move in any way is something that everyone can appreciate. 

Habiba: Yeah, for me, I’m going to go higher reps, lower weight - I 100% do not want to be going heavy - unless I’ve broken fast, but even then, that’s not going to be the focus.

Faiza: So I’m changing my schedule around and focusing more on low intensity activities - such as walking. It all depends on how you feel really doesn’t it?

Absolutely. So if you are going to train, when do you think is the best time to do so?

Habiba: So for me, my optimum time for training would be an hour or two before it’s time to break my fast. I don’t push myself too much so I don’t get too thirsty right before Iftar, but just to the extent where I know I’ll be okay in time to break it. 

Faiza: If I’m going into the gym, I’d wait a couple of hours after breaking fast!

Maryama: I really want to keep my evenings free as I’m trying to focus more on the spiritual part of the month where there are many voluntary night prayers, so between 3pm-6pm for me.

When it comes to tips on your nutrition throughout Ramadan to work with your training - what would you suggest?

Maryama: Only tip I have for nutrition is medjool dates with peanut butter for a quick energy boost with added protein when breaking the fast or if your training after breaking the fast. 

Habiba: I think a lot of us tend to overeat after a long day of fasting which makes us bloated and lethargic the next day! So I’d definitely recommended eating less oily foods ( definitely indulge in them though! ) but maybe not over do it. I tend to snack on dates in between as it’s healthy and hits my sweet spot. 

Faiza: This is a super hard one as a lot of the food we consume (depending on where you are from) can be quite heavy and because I go to the Mosque for the voluntary night prayer performed only in Ramadan called Tarawih, I try and consume less just as I break fast so I don't feel super heavy during prayer. Essentially I think it’s a good idea to drink lots of water, eat good nutritional foods, have some dates on stand by. Then after prayer, I can come back and eat a little more. 

What advice or tips would you give to those wanting to keep up their exercise throughout Ramadan?

Habiba: Keep going! Even if you reduce it, it’s heavily encouraged in Islam to continue your daily activities while fasting. So don’t stop training, keep it up!! 

Faiza: Be kind of yourself, it's fine to go to the gym a little less or train a little differently for a little while. Ramadan is a super spiritual and peaceful time, so enjoy it. Also be flexible, if you only have a an hour - don't limit yourself to think you have to come to the gym and workout, you can go on a nice walk (get some air), go for a nice bike ride - just have fun with it! 

Maryama: The simple fact of being able to move in any way is something that everyone can appreciate. So focus on that.

How we’re supporting our Muslim members during Ramadan:

  • We’re extending our opening hours to 10:30pm every day

  • We will have dates available if you want to break your fast with us, or get some extra energy whilst you’re training

  • We have prayer mats available should you wish to pray whilst you’re at the gym.

If you want to move your body in a way that feels right for you through Ramadan, then join us for a three free day trial of our gym-only space or try our six classes for £30 (if you want lower impact we’d recommend Reflow)


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