Three reasons to add cardio to your routine (that have nothing to do with weight loss)
We recognise that equally as important for your health as building muscle, cardio is one of those things we have to do - and while we're at it, we might as well make it FUN! Today we look at top three reasons why you should add cardio to your routine, and then share some of our fave ways to get it done!
5 things you need to consider before you sign up for a Hyrox comp
If you’ve found yourself playing around with the idea of signing up for the next race, this blog is for you. Today we’ll look at top things to consider before you press ‘Find your race’ and start training for the trendiest fitness comp out there.
I did my first Hyrox!
Last weekend our very own Studio Lead Izzy - together with StrongHerd members Wendy, Naomi and Kate - smashed their Hyrox Malaga in the Women’s relay category.
We of course had to have a chat with her and share the highlights.

I'm vegan/vegetarian. How do I make sure I'm eating enough protein?
Everyone and their dog seem to be focused on getting enough protein these days! And it’s no wonder - especially if you’re training actively - consuming enough protein is a must. It’s one of the three major macronutrients, and it supports muscle growth, helps in the production of enzymes, hormones and antibodies - what’s not to like! The first thing that comes to mind when we think about protein is meat - for example, take chicken breast - boasting an impressive 31g of protein in 100g chicken breast! Ermmm, but what happens if you don’t eat meat?
Endometriosis and working out: a chat with Anna, a StrongHer member
March 2024 is Endometriosis Awareness Month - it’s a condition that has impacted the lives of many. One in ten people with uteruses, to be price - that’s pretty f-ing common, if you asked us. We had a chat with Anna H who’s been a member of the StrongHerd since 2020, StrongHer Games athlete, and Turf Games athlete, too.

Eating Disorder Awareness Week: a chat with our co-founder, Sam
Last week was Eating Disorder Awareness Week - an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about eating disorders (ED), promoting understanding, and providing support to individuals affected by these conditions. This is important and personal to many in the StrongHerd, so we had a chat with our co-founder Sam about her experiences with ED. We hope her story helps - for those of you currently struggling with the condition - you’re not alone and it does get better! And for those of you who might know someone with an ED - we hope Sam’s story gives you a little insight into what your friend might be going through and how you can help them!

Deadlifting myths, busted
The deadlift is not a mythical creature to be feared. When approached with proper knowledge and technique, it's a powerful exercise for becoming strongher and building muscle. BUT - and that’s a big BUTT - there’s so much misinformation out there - that we had to separate fact from fiction in this myths-busting guide. Let’s go!

What comes to mind when you hear ‘Run Club’?
If you’ve been wanting to start running for a while but feel intimidated - this blog is for you. We spoke to our awesome running coach - Max - about what it’s like to start running as a newbie.

Goal setting myths from an accredited life coach
It's that time of the year when everyone and their dog are setting new years resolutions, goals, and plans for the rest of the year. Some people have jumped straight into it come 1st January. Others have taken a slower start to the year and are working up to it. But, wherever you're at, according to Strava, by the second Friday in January - just about now, you could be one of the thousands of people that will have given up on their new year's resolutions.
And you know we’re here to support you through the highs and the lows, too. So we had a chat with Lindsey, an accredited life coach, about goal setting, and why things go wrong for so many of us so soon! Here are three goal setting myths you should know about.

Fitness red flags to look out for in January
It's January again and that means one thing in the fitness industry - your socials will be littered with new year, new me 🤥🤥 nonsense! While we're all for making a positive change in your life and starting something new, we also now that a lot of the products and services sold around this time of the year are pure BS. So consider this your cheeky survival guide to navigating the pitfalls of January fitness madness!
StrongHer 2023 wrapped
It’s been SO great to meet new people and engage with our existing community - the StrongHERD, so today we’re looking back at just a few of our fave moments from the last 12 months!

Sports bras 101: How to find the perfect one for you
When it comes to buying your first sports bra … saying that it’s confusing af is an understatement. BUT it’s one of those things in life where the sooner you figure it out, the better! We at StrongHer have gathered intel on sports bras over the years of training ourselves, our coaches and hundreds of women with various backgrounds. So let’s talk sports bras - the StrongHer way.

The stairmaster: master bootybuilder or stairway to nowhere?
Once every couple of weeks we find ourselves in the same situation: someone walks into StrongHer excited to start their fitness journey, they absolutely love the vibes, and just when they are about to join us, the following question comes up: “Do you have a stairmaster?”
Our answer? Nope, not happening! Keep on reading to find out why!

Staying fit on a budget
Black Friday is just around the corner so let’s face it: we all will be tempted by the delicious looking deals! While this is a great time to grab yourself a new phone, or a high-end hair dryer on discount, this is also the time when many of us will buy stuff we don’t necessarily need. It’s easy to lose track of what we want to invest our money in - the things that really matter to us. So if fitness is one of those things, but you’re on a budget - keep on reading!

What shoes do I need for lifting?
Over the years of running StrongHer and introducing women of all sorts of backgrounds to lifting, we’ve observed a pretty consistent pattern: newbies turning up to the gym in running shoes! And while we absolutely love some of these trainers, they are … ahm, not quite right. Before you start regretting that late night decision to spend £150 on a pair of running shoes, let us explain! We look at three things to look out for when finding the right strength training shoe.

3 tops benefits of personal training
Starting your fitness journey is scary enough as it is. There’s a whole lot of stuff you need to figure out - what fitness program is right for you, how to perform the exercises, learning how to use all the gym equipment without injuring yourself … and then there’s the fear that, despite your best efforts, you might not see the results you’re after! The thing is, there’s A LOT of things you need to get right to see those results, but the most important one is just doing your workouts, consistently. This is where having a Personal Trainer is a game-changer. And even more so - having a StrongHer personal trainer!

How much protein should I eat: A StrongHer Guide
The nutrition space has always been messy, and confusing, and contradictory. So much stuff out there, from influencers trying to make some quick money by selling you detox teas to an endless list of fad diets. And it’s all geared towards bloody dieting and losing weight! But we’ve recently noticed a shift - protein seems to be the new black, and everyone suddenly seems to have become a protein specialist. While it’s great to see women are finally told to eat more, instead of restricting, it’s still… well, hella confusing. So let’s talk about protein - the StrongHer way.

How exercise supports your mental health: a nerdy StrongHer guide
‘The gym keeps me sane’. We’ve all heard this statement at least once, and in general we can all agree that exercise does help with mental health… right? But is this just your friend trying to convince you to get your ass to the gym with them, or is there some real, scientific truth to it? Today we put on our nerdy glasses and dive into the research behind mental health and exercise.

How to squat properly: a StrongHer guide
The holy squat. This mythical creature has been mystified and demystified a million times. SO to demystify it once and for all, we spoke to our lovely coach Ella who helped us put together this squat 101 guide.

3 steps to get started with period tracking
We recently went to IFS, the International Fitness Summit in Brighton We gave a semi-serious talk (okay, okay, the subject was serious but the style - StrongHer) about things to consider when thinking about women’s fitness. We’ve been in the industry for more than seven years and there’s a LOT to consider! One of the topics that got the most questions at the end was the menstrual cycle. SO we wanted to share that knowledge with you so it can help you in your training, relationships and every day life!
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